Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Faster Internet Downloads

There are a myriad of reasons our download speed can be cut down due to the way we run our computers and also the infrastructure surrounding your connection and your service provider ... the list goes on. There are however ways you can achieve serious increases in downloads that have nothing to do with any of these!

The way our computers are set up does not take full advantage of how we can download data from the net. There is a lot of unused space that can be requisitioned to increase your download speed for short periods and can then be put back in place for other programs that might need them at other times.

Think of downloading as pouring water through a pipe, there is only so much you can pour though a pipe before your reach capacity. What if you simply added another pipe? You increase your flow capacity!

Now this is not something that is easy to do by any means or we would all be doing it but a some clever fellas have come up with a program that does this every time you download something without you having do anything but install it! The time I have saved from this device for large files and just general browsing (especially with so much extra media on websites these days) is phenomenal.

If you want to get lightning fast connections no matter what your connection type click here to check it out!


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