Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Recover lost files

When i was talking to some business collegues of mine i found one of thier most hated moments with computers was when they lost files, delted accidentally and nto backed up. While they all pledged to backup more often i found it doubtful they would adhere to this for very long.

So while i was writing my article about data loss i dug around the net and found this great little program called simply recover lost data.

Simple and to the point and gets things done. This program can scan your hard drive and find deleted files the operating system can no longer reference.

Click here to check it out.

Well worth the download to have as a backup for when things go wrong!


Welcome to the Software and Data Watchdog!

This blog is dedicated to sniffing out articles, links and tools for good software and data managment. From daabases, to file storage to the many time saving programs out there that allow us to do business and personal stuff on our PCs quicker and easier!

Stay tuned for more articles and links!